Seminario: 20 Gennaio 2017 - Corrado Bonifazi

Venerdì, 20 Gennaio, 2017

COLLOQUIUM SERIES - European Doctoral School of Demography
Organizzati dal Dipartimento MEMOTEF

Venerdì 20 gennaio, alle ore 10:00, presso l'Aula di Matematica (Sapienza Università di Roma, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma - Facoltà di Economia, 1° piano)

Relatore: Corrado Bonifazi (Director, Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, IRPPS-CNR)

Titolo del seminario: "International migration in Europe. A long-term perspective".

Migration has always been an important factor in the evolution of European society. Already at the beginning of the Nineteenth century, migrant labour systems were largely developed and were an important element of the demographic and economic mechanism of society. During the first globalization, Europe was the main area of departure of the huge flows that crossed the Oceans to populate Americas and Oceania. The period between the two World wars saw a large decrease of migration for the change of policies of receiving countries and for the economic crisis of 1929. The end of the Second World War marked the opening of a new phase in the European migration, with the starting of large labour flows from Mediterranean countries to Northern and Central Europe. The oil crises of the Seventies caused the end of the recruitment policies. While the Fall of the Berlin Wall was the beginning of a new increase of immigration towards Europe, that had its main center in the Southern European countries of the European Union. The economic crisis of 2008 has been the new turning point of the European migration, recently characterized by a dramatic increase of asylum seekers flows. In the seminar, I try to describe these processes.

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