Rapporti di ricerca

  • P.O. Rossi, F.R. Castelli, R. Gatti, The Conservation Plan for the Stadio Flaminio by Pier Luigi  and Antonio Nervi in Rome, Italy: an interdisciplinary approach, The Getty Foundation, Keeping it Modern Architectural Conservation Grants 2017, report, primavera 2020
Capitolo 2: Assessment of cultural significance
2.2 Context of the building 
2.2.1 Urban context history (P. O. Rossi) 
2.2.2 Stadium surrounding (F.R. Castelli, R. Gatti)
Capitolo 3.1: Context (P. O. Rossi, F.R. Castelli, R. Gatti)
3.1.1. The 1962 Master Plan, the new works in the Flaminio neighbourhood and Ponte della Musica 
3.1.2. The Stadio Flaminio: from football to rugby and eventually abandonment and neglect
3.1.3. The Auditorium “Parco della Musica” and the National Museum of 21st century Arts (MAXXI)
3.1.4. “Progetto Urbano Flaminio” and 2008 Master Plan. The competition for the District La Città della Scienza
3.1.5. The current situation: photo documentation of open spaces
3.1.6. The areas surrounding the Stadio Flaminio
3.1.7. Current problems
3.1.8. Archaeological findings
3.1.9. The outdoor areas in Nervi’s Olympic facilities and installations
Capitolo 5.1: Guidelines and recommendations
5.1.1. The outdoor areas surrounding the Stadium (P. O. Rossi, F.R. Castelli, R. Gatti)
  • P.O. Rossi, S. Pasquali, La sistemazione del Tevere e lo sviluppo di Roma verso il mare, Ricerca MPI 1984, dattiloscritto, ottobre 1987.