Call Saperi

In this section, you can find all the information about our open or to-be-open calls for students, recent graduates, PhD students and researchers

Saperi X Junior

The Call Saperi X Junior is open to all students enrolled in a Bachelor Degree program of Sapienza University of Rome. Winners of the call will be hosted in the SAPeri&Co Hub from 2 to 4 months - depending on the project's requirements - to develop their idea in a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment.
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Saperi X Researcher

The Call Call Saperi X Researcher is open to all PhD students of the Sapienza University of Rome. Winners of the call will be hosted in the SAPeri&Co Hub from 2 to 4 months - depending on the project's requirements - to develop their idea in a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment.
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Saperi X Senior

The Call Saperi X Senior is open to all students enrolled in a Master Degree Master Degree Program (both 2 or 5 years program) of the Sapienza University of Rome. The call gives students the opportunity to be hosted in the SAPeri&Co Hub for a period of time varying between 2 and 6 months (depending on the complexity of the project), with the purpose of developing an idea in a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment.
»»Go to the call page

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma