Futur(e)ability: digital and transversal skills for online teachers

The project will draw on the experience of university teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic to develop training and resources for educators in teaching online in a participatory and engaging way

Project information

Project & Co Project Manager
Sabrina Lucibello, Alessandra Talamo

Technical Manager
Thais Palermo Buti

Team di Progetto
Lorena Trebbi, Silvia Marocco

Participating organisations
Sapienza University of Rome, Melting Pro Learning Social Co-operative; Italy
Loughborough University, Digitales Ltd; UK
Linnaeus University; Sweden
Research Innovation and Development Lab, University of Patras; Greece
Cape Peninsula University of Technology; South Africa
Hungarian Academy of Science Regional Development Research Centre; Hungary

EU's Erasmus+ programme

June 2021–May 2023


Project description

The current pandemic crisis has changed the way in which we think and participate in our social relations, demanding for creative solutions and for rapid improvement of technologies. This new condition has had an effect on many different fields and contexts; however, it is undeniable that the spread of the COVID-19 represented a major challenge in the way in which teaching and learning are conceived and performed. The Higher Education sector has been hit heavily for the quick pace of the adoption of solution for blended and distance
and the unpreparedness of the majority of lecturers and educators.

Futur(e)abilty - Digital and Transversal Skills for online Teachers” gathers a Strategic Partnership of organisations - Universities, Research Centres and Cultural Enterprises - working with Visual Methods and Digital Learning tools willing to investigate, produce and share Open Educational Resources (OER) to make online teaching more attractive and accessible, in reference to the European Frameworks DigCompEdu and LifeComp. The main challenge is the development of pedagogies and digital tools that could enable teachers and
trainers to transport the content of their lessons in participatory and engaging on-line forms.

Lo scopo generale dello sviluppo di questi materiali è fornire ai docenti universitari competenze chiave digitali e trasversali e migliorare i metodi e gli strumenti di insegnamento online attraverso l'uso efficace di soluzioni innovative con un'attenzione particolare ai metodi visivi. Il progetto si concentra sullo sviluppo di competenze digitali e trasversali in modo che docenti ed educatori diventino più resilienti, aumentino la loro creatività ed efficienza e acquisiscano competenze adattive alla carriera. Consentirà agli istituti di istruzione superiore di offrire esperienze potenziate, migliorando e riqualificando le competenze dei propri docenti/educatori, e migliorando così la qualità della vita del pubblicogenerale. Infine Futur(e)abilty vuole preparare docenti, educatori ma anche studenti a diventare dei veri agenti di cambiamento. Le OER saranno sperimentate in sei paesi, particolare attenzione sarà data alla promozione dell'uguaglianza di genere. Il progetto consoliderà i risultati attraverso la costituzione di una Comunità di Pratica.

The broad scope of these materials is to provide university lecturers with key digital and transversal competences and to improve online teaching methods and tools through effective use of innovative solutions with a special attention to visual methods. The project focuses on the development of digital and transferable competences so that lecturers and educators become more resilient, increase their creativity and efficiency and acquire career adaptive competences. It will enable Higher Education Institutions to offer enhanced experiences, by upskilling and re-skilling their lecturers/educators, thus raising the quality of life of the general public. At last Futur(e)abilty wants to prepare lecturers, educators but also students to become true factors of change. The OERs will be piloted in six countries, particular attention will be given to the promotion of gender equality. The project will consolidate the results through the establishment of a Community of Practice.


Sabrina Lucibello
Associate Professor

Alessandra Talamo
Associate Professor

Thais Palermo Buti

Lorena Trebbi
Postdoctoral Researcher

Silvia Marocco
PhD Student



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