Call Saperi X Senior

1.What is the Call Saperi X Senior
The Call Saperi X Senior is open to all students enrolled in a Master Degree Master Degree Program (both 2 or 5 years program) of the Sapienza University of Rome. The call gives students the opportunity to be hosted in the SAPeri&Co Hub for a period of time varying between 2 and 6 months (depending on the complexity of the project), with the purpose of developing an idea in a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment.

2.Who can apply
The participation to Call Saperi X Senior is free and is open to all the students enrolled in a Master Degree Program (both 2 or 5 years program) of the Sapienza University of Rome.

3.How to apply
All applicants must send an e-mail to with object “Submission Call Saperi X Senior”, containing:
The official form (see attachments) filled in all its parts;
A European format CV, highlighting:

Current Degree Course;
List of exams (Transcript of Records) with grades;;
Expected graduation date.

A portfolio in pdf format named as Name Surname.pdf (max 10MB) that highlights the applicant's design skills;
An abstract about the idea to realize (max 2.000 characters including spaces).

In the case of a thesis project, please indicate:

Name and surname of the Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, Extra Supervisor;
Companies/Institutions (if any) involved in the project;

A description of the prototype with images/render.

4.Where activities take place
The winners of the Call will fulfil a curricular internship within SAPeri&Co laboratories, at the University campus – Palazzina Tumminelli, Level -1, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, direct access: Viale dell’Università 36. The winners will be allowed to use the Coworking area work stations. The use of the equipment and tools of the FabLab and Production Workshop is consent under the supervision of SAPeri&Co staff, according to the established modalities and timetable.

5.Why participate
The winners of the Call will:
access the spaces, competences, and equipment for a period between 2 and 4 months;
be part of the Saperi Community and get directly involved in Saperi&Co’s activities.

* All expenses for materials and components for the realiz/ation of the projects will be charged to the individual student.

6.Further information
For more details and information about the application modalities, technical contents and the documents required, please write an e-mail to

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma