RRIstarthack Hackathon (registration deadline February 12)

Hackathon RRIstarthack organised by Saperi&Co-Sapienza Centre and Lazio Innova-Regione Lazio (from February 21 to 23)

From February 21 to 23, Saperi&Co-Sapienza Centre and Lazio Innova-Regione Lazio are organising the RRIstarthack hackathon, a three-day marathon for the development of entrepreneurial ideas based on the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which will also involve four important companies: Eni Joule, WeSportUP, Wylab e Asc 27.
The industry partners involved will launch challenges on the theme of sustainability, touching on some of the most pressing contemporary issues such as: Sustainability & Mobility and Sport & Wellness.
The 4 winning projects will be awarded, in addition to access to the facilities of Saperi&Co and Lazio Region's Spazi Attivi:
  • a startups programme for the verification and subsequent patenting of the project, offered by Sapienza-Saperi&Co; 
  • a go2market pathway to help the startup enter/expand its market, offered by Lazio Innova;
  • a cash prize of  4,000 euros (four thousand) for each of the winning projects.
More info and registration here.
Application deadline: February 12, 2024 at 18:00.


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