- 5+5 Dialogue - sub-regional forum for the ten Western Mediterranean countries that take part since its creation, five from the north of the Mediterranean and five from the southern shore
- Agenzia per il patrimonio culturale euromediterraneo – Costituita nel 2003 nell’ambito del programma europeo Cultural Heritage II
- Anima - Investment network - The platform for economic cooperation between Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Anna Lindh Foudation - Build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation
- Centre d’études des transports pour la Meditérranée occidentale (CETMO) - Amélioration des conditions de transport et de logistique durables
- Centro euromediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (CMCC) - Realizzare studi e modelli del sistema climatico e delle sue interazioni con la società per garantire una crescita sostenibile
- Centro Studi Immigrazione (CESTIM) - Nasce a Verona nel 1990 come associazione di operatori che si occupano, a vario titolo, degli immigrati e delle loro problematiche
- Clima south - chiuso ma con una lista di progetti in campo climatico alcuni ancora aperti
- Comitato permanente per il partenariato euromediterraneo (COPPEM) – Promuove la collaborazione fra città, comuni, enti intermedi e regioni dei Paesi del Partenariato euromediterraneo
- Copemed - Coordination to Support Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Mediterranean – (FAO)
- DII DESERTEC - Dii Desert Energy is an independent, international public-private sector network operating from Dubai. The group is paving the way for the energy transition in the MENA region and beyond
- Energy & Mediterranean Observatory (SRM) - ha sede a Napoli, la ricerca si focalizza sul settore logistico-portuale e sul comparto energetico con una visione euro-mediterranea
- EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) - Promoting and protecting fundamental rights across the EU
- EU Directorate-General Migration and home affairs
- EU Directorate-General Trade
- Euromed Heritage - Progetto del Centro Studi e Iniziative Europeo (CESIE) per promuovere la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale come una base sulla quale poter sviluppare un dialogo interculturale
- Euromed Trade Helpdesk - Facilitating trade and investment in the Euro Mediterranean region
- Euromed rights – A network representing 68 human rights organisations active in 30 countries promoting human rights and democracy within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- EuroMeSCo - The main network of research centres and think tanks in the Euro-Mediterranean area
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BERD) – (Southern and Eastern Mediterranean) - The EBRD was created in April 1991 to 'foster the transition towards open market-oriented economies and to promote private and entrepreneurial initiative'
- European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL) - promoting intercultural understanding and sensitivity among European and other countries, organisations and citizens
- European Institute of Mediterranean (IEMed) - A think and do tank specialised in Euro-Mediterranean relations
- European Investment Bank (EIB) - The economy and the social well-being of the Mediterranean partner countries
- FEMIP trust fund - Established in 2004, the FTF aims to facilitate investment and address funding gaps in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood.
- Fondazione Mediterraneo - Sviluppa il dialogo tra le società e le culture quale mezzo per affermare i diritti fondamentali
- Forum delle giornaliste del Mediterraneo - Creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di democrazia e pace
- Global Water Partnership (GWP)- Aiming for a water-secure Mediterranean, GWP-Med works at the regional, transboundary, national, basin and local level
- Islamic Center for Development of Trade - Is the subsidiary organ of the OIC entrusted with the mission of promoting trade & investments in OIC Countries
- Mediterranean energy regulators (MedReg) - Establish a fair, functioning and integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market through regulatory cooperation and support
- Mediterranean transmission systems operators (MedTSO) - Supporting all the institutional initiatives aiming at facilitating the creation of a Mediterranean energy market
- Orient & Méditerranée – Textes, archèologie, histoire
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) – the forum of the national Parliaments of the Euro-Mediterranean region
- Plan Bleu - Faire de la Méditerranée un espace de coopération pour le développement durable
- UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) - was established in 2005, as the political initiative of Mr. Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and co-sponsored by the Governments of Spain and Turkey
- Union du Maghreb Arabe – Consolider les rapports qui lient les Etats membres et leurs peuples et réaliser le progrès et le bien-être de leurs communautés et la défense de leurs droits
- Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) - Intergovernmental organisation which brings together all countries of the European Union and 15 countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees - (UNRWA)
- World Bank - working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries
pagina aggiornata / page updated jan 2025