Gender issues:launguage


Bran Academy

Chaired by Nicoletta Maraschio, the search for 'reiterated the opportunity to use the female grammatical gender to indicate institutional roles (the minister, the president, the councilor, senator, the deputy etc.) And professions to which the 'access is normal for women only since a few decades (surgeon, advocate or lawyer, architect, magistrate etc.) as well as indeed was the case for traditional trades and professions (nurse, teacher, worker, actress etc.). The location of the Academy is documented by a number of initiatives: the Project Gender and language is developed in collaboration with the Municipality of Florence and directed by Cecilia Robustelli, which also has also drafted the Handbook of the genre in the administrative language (2012) and the theme of the month (March 2013), both available on the Academy website (, and the Guide for the preparation of administrative acts published by the Academy of bran and the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques of the National Council of ITTIG-CNR research.
Some documents on the subject (Ita)

  Il sessismo nella lingua italiana, Alma Sabatini, 1987

  Linee guida per l'uso del genere nel linguaggio amministrativo, Cecilia Robustelli, 2012

  Pari trattamento Linguistico. Guida al pari trattamento linguistico di donna e uomo nei testi ufficiali della Confederazione, Confederazione Svizzera, 2012

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