Gender Issues: initiatives and events
Le Costituenti, storia di donne e politica in mostra alla Casa della Memoria
Women of Matematics throughout Europe: a gallery of portraits
Wednesday, December 7, Aula Picone - Inauguration
17:00 Opening of the exhibition
Thursday, December 15, Aula Picone - Formation Day for Teachers (1)
Girls diligent and talented male: gender stereotypes in teaching
of mathematics
15:30 Patrizia Colella (head teacher ITES Olivetti Lecce, professor of
mathematics and physics, a member of Women in Science,
member of the group of opportunities UMI)
16:10 Cynthia Belmonte (mathematics, dottora Research in Astronomy,
founding member of FormaScienza)
17:30 Debate: the word to teachers
Friday, December 16, Classroom III - Orientation Day for students
Women give the numbers: studying and working with math
15:30 Alessandra Celletti (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
"Recipe for dark matter in the Universe: a supposed witch,
a refrigerator, a smile and some brilliant scientists. "
16:15 Roundtable on opportunities and obstacles in the relationship between girls and
Mathematics: the students meet math in the world
academia and labor.
Introduces Elena Gagliasso (University of Rome La Sapienza)
(1) Teachers will receive a certificate useful for recognition of as an update.