
The President states that La Sapienza has made the web page active
It allows for reports in anonymous form. The instrument is ruled by a special law. In particular, by art. 54-bis (2016) of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 2001.
The link is also available on the faculty web page. The novelty was announced at the session of the Academic Senate of 19 September 2017. The Rector presented the initiative:
"The President informs the Academic Senate that Sapienza University of Rome, in line with the provisions of current legislation, has implemented the University's whistleblowing system as a tool of particular relevance in the context of effective and effective fight against corruption and prevention of the same.
By the term 'whistleblowing' - Anglo-Saxon designation, which does not have a translation into Italian, literally means 'blow in the whistle' - indicates the report of illicit or irregularities found in the workplace committed against the interest of the company or the institution in which it works or against the public interest. "

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