Student Opinion Survey

Student Opinion Survey

All students are invited to participate in the Student Opinion Survey on the teaching performance of our Faculty teachers for the current academic year which will conclude with a suitability exam or test. Access to questionnaires for the first semester teaching will remain open until 30 September 2017, while to 28 February 2018 questionnaires for the second semester teaching may be filled in.

The Survey will be carried out using the Infostud (Student Opinions) platform and concerns all teaching, concluding with a suitability exam or test. Maximum student participation is hoped for as by filling in the questionnaire, students are participating in the ongoing changes which our university is committed to in bringing about positive and fundamental improvements.

The importance of the Survey 
With the beginning of the new semester, the importance of student opinions arises and the need for each student to express their evaluation of teaching performance so the Faculty will be able to assess the results and any eventual changes. All “attending” students are urged to fill in the online questionnaire by accessing the Infostud system – Student Opinions. The questionnaire is anonymous and is managed by a system that does not memorize user credentials. The results can also be consulted at Rilevazioni Opis.

When and how
It is strongly advised to fill in the online questionnaire during the lesson periods using the Infostud platform, the best moment has been identified when a half or two thirds of the lessons have been taught. The survey concerns all teaching carried out in semester II of the present academic year which will conclude with a suitability exam or test.  It must be remembered that students enrolled in the Bachelor or Master Degrees in all medical studies are seen as “attending students”.

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