Viruses and Human Cancers

Viruses and Human Cancers MOOC of the Institut Pasteur

The  Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in "Viruses and Human Cancers" of the Institut Pasteur has been developed by Jean-Pierre Vartanian of Institut Pasteur as its director and includes 27 renowned speakers in 29 short lectures. This MOOC is starting on 7th January 2019. Registration is already possible and can be performed until 29th April 2019. The MOOC is open to attend until 13th May 2019. Do not miss the MOOC and best register now!

Some information for you: The MOOC is in English with French and English subtitles for better understanding, free of charge, takes only 2.5 hours/week and offers a certificate after passing the weekly and final tests. You can follow the MOOC on a weekly level or in your own speed, as your time allows. The MOOC perfectly updates your knowledge with the latest state-of-the-art science on viruses causing human cancers. It is suited for medical doctors, scientists, post-docs, all kind of students in natural sciences and medicine, health care workers and anyone interested in the field of viruses causing human cancers.

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