Can you give me more information about this program?

Can you give me more information about this program?

The Master of Science in Nanotechnology Engineering is designed to offer an advanced scientific and professional education focused on analysis, design, simulation and optimization of devices, materials and processes, all based on the use of nanotechnologies for several applications in the field of Industrial Engineering, ranging from energy production and storage to aeronautics, nano-mechanics, catalysis, electronics and theranostics.
The course guarantees a highly interdisciplinary approach together with extensive laboratory activities developed to provide high skills. The aim of the course is to provide basic and advanced knowledge on:

  • management and use of micro- and nano-technologies for materials, biotechnologies and manufacturing processes of micro and nano-devices;
  • design with atomistic simulation methods of micro-nano devices for functional and multifunctional applications;
  • design and management of complex micro-and nano-systems;
  • risk and safety management in the use of nanotechnologies.

The Program (for a total of 120 CFU) is organized into two alternative paths: the first one where most of the courses are taught in Italian (path A) and the second one with all the courses taught in English (path B).

The program includes:

  • 8 mandatory courses (72 CFU*)
  • 1 course (6 CFU*) to be selected among a group of alternative teachings
  • 2 free-choice courses (12 CFU*)
  • Other activities aimed at preparing students for careers after graduation (1 CFU*)
  • Final Thesis preparation and defence (17 CFU*)

*1 CFU is the Italian equivalent of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): 1 CFU = 25 hours of study (10 hours of lectures + 15 hours of homework)