
Martedì, 9 Novembre, 2021

Virtual- Neuroseminar

Prof Francesca Ciccolini
Faculty member, HBIS graduate college, University of Heidelberg
“Basal neural stem cells a novel stem cell type driving postnatal
olfactory bulb neurogenesis”
Tuesday 9 November, at 11.00 a.m.
Zoom link:

Martedì, 9 Novembre, 2021

Virtual- Neuroseminar

Prof Francesca Ciccolini (HBIS graduate college, University of Heidelberg)

Basal neural stem cells a novel stem cell type driving postnatal olfactory bulb neurogenesis


Tuesday 9 November, at 11.00 a.m.


Zoom link: <

Giovedì, 11 Novembre, 2021

In-presence Lecture

Distinguished Professor PIERRE MAGISTRETTI
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia)

Neuron-glia metabolic coupling mediated by lactate:
roles in plasticity, memory and neuroprotection

Thursday, November 11th - 10:00 am


Martedì, 21 Settembre, 2021



World Alzheimer’s Day, on September 21st of each year, is a day on which Alzheimer’s organizations around the world concentrate their efforts on raising awareness about Alzheimer’s and related dementia disorders.
To celebrate the event, we kindly invite you to follow Prof. Claudio's Babiloni seminar entitled “An EEG dream in the Alzheimer’s Disease Day", in the framework of the Sapienza Neuroscience seminars of the series "Ten webinars on brain oscillatory activities underpinning sleep-wake cycle and higher functions...

Lunedì, 20 Settembre, 2021

Virtual-in person Neuroseminar

Prof Christian Gonzalez Billault
Professor of Biology, Department of Neuroscience
Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism (GERO)
Universidad de Chile
“Membrane and cytoskeleton dynamics in neuronal polarity”
Monday, September 20 th 2021...

Martedì, 14 Settembre, 2021



Please register and connect for free to the Scientific Symposium of Alzheimer’s Association Electrophysiology Professional Interest Area at

on September 14, 2021, 08:00-09:30 a.m. US-CDT = 03:00-04:30 pm Italian-German-French time.

You will find...

Venerdì, 4 Giugno, 2021



I kindly invite you to enjoy Dr Silvia Elena Benavides Varela's (University of Padova) webinar entitled
"Verbal memories and numerical representations in the infant brain"
scheduled on June 4th, 2021, from 02:30 to 03:30 pm CET (Rome-Berlin-Paris time).

The webinar zoom link is at

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