Ai-Tech CrossContaminationlab - Award ceremony

On November 24 Saperi&co, in the presence of the Magnifica Rettrice, will host award ceremony of the training course organized with Archangel AdVenture with the goal of developing high multidisciplinary business ideas proposed by Sapienza students and phD candidates. 

Since May 2021, 6 teams, composed by students from different Saperi&co afferent departments have addressed these steps:

  1. May/June: training and developing of the ideas;
  2. July: pitch concerning the presentation of the projects to the Sapienza academics from the 18 involved departments.

The course will be finalized with the prize-giving ceremony with investors (Arcangel AdVenture and Lazio Innova) that want to invest 250k.


PRIZE «BREATH OF THE WILD» - Most exportable technology and solution;

PRIZE «YES, WITH AICT WE CAN» - Higher social impact;

PRIZE «TWO EYES TO THE FUTURE» - A step from today to tomorrow.

Involved students

Francesco Cairone • Paola Caprioli • Daria Di Giacomo Marotta • Laura Di Muzio • Giulia Di Teodoro • Alessio Fagioli • Ginevra Lalle • Silvia Marocco • Federico Marrone • Michele Matera • Andrea Musat • Elisa Pecci • Angela Piazza • Arianna Rampini • Valentina Rocca • Marco Ruggeri • Francesco Rusciani • Antonio Sinat



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