Lab on demand

SAPeri&Co consists also of highly specialized 4 Lan on Demand focused on the 4 regional strategic sectors:

Aerospace Lab

The laboratory carries on research and development activities in the sectors of aerospace, aviation, satellite monitoring in line with the Galileo program and the programs of the European Space Agency(ESA) .
Scientific supervisor: prof. Paolo Gaudenzi


Cultural Heritage Lab

The laboratory carries on research activities about the enhancement, monitoring and protection of cultural heritage artifacts, as well as the development of cultural and touristic services. The lab is a collaboration between Humanities (Archeology, History of Art, Linguistic and Esthetic) and Science (Informatics, Chemistry and Physics).
Scientific supervisors: proff. Giorgio Piras e Chiara Petrioli


Life Science Lab

The laboratory carries on research activities focused on medicine, e-health, domotics, biotechnologies, nutrition and biomaterials.
Scientific supervisor: prof.ssa Angela Santoni


Laboratorio Energie rinnovabili

The laboratory carries on research and development activities in the fields of energy efficiency, alternative and renewable energies, and green development.
Scientific supervisor: prof. Livio De Santoli


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma