RRIstart Social Behavioural LAB

Pilot of the H2020 project coordinated by Saperi & Co-Sapienza
Friday 28 October 2022, 9.00-19.00

RRIstart is a European H2020 project coordinated by Sabrina Lucibello for Saperi & Co-Sapienza University of Rome, to promote the development of new start-ups based on RRI-Research for
Responsible Innovation.

The SBLs represent a part of the pilot project whose first appointment will take place on 28.10 at the same time in Greece-Holland-Italy.

They will participate in the first PILOT
Three start-ups active in the field of sustainability:

                > Sara Envimob S.r.l. (Startup Sapienza)
                > ViVita S.r.l. (Startup Sapienza)
                > Biofaber

Stakeholders of the so-called "4 propellers" of the RRI:
                > Research Centres
                > Policy
                > Industry
                > Civil Society

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma