Specialized Fields

Saperi&Co networks all the Sapienza’s excellences from Design to Medicine, from Chemistry to Biology, from Economics to Psychology, from Jurisprudence to Computer Science, and makes knowledge and skills available, also thanks to the use of digital fabrication tools. SAPeri&Co focuses its activities in the areas of regional specialization such as aerospace, renewable energies, cultural heritage, biosciences.

SAPeri&Co proposes and promotes multidisciplinary and diversified activities, with particular attention to the territory priority strategic areas and according to the knowledge triangle scheme which is:

Training on specific subjects, research apprenticeships and higher education at and for companies
Tools and laboratories that allow students and researchers to maximize, monitor and test their researches
Services and resources that encourage the transition of the products of the research to the market and the society, triggering links and opportunities of dialogue between the university and the business world

    © Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma