Take part in the X Edition Maker Faire Rome 2022
Even this year Saperi&Co, will coordinate Sapienza's participation in the Maker Faire Rome which, now in its 10th edition, will take place at the Gazometro Ostiense from 7 to 9 October.The Call for Universities and Research Institutes is open and addressed to state universities and public research institutes with the aim of promoting innovation, through the dissemination of digital culture and the development of individual and collective entrepreneurship, rewarding the projects considered more deserving.Universities and Public Research Institutes, whose projects will be selected, will have a space within # MFR2022 and will be able to:
- exhibit a project: a space will be provided free of charge to allow the use of what is exhibited to visitors and onlookers;
- carry out interventions (presentations to the public): a physical and / or virtual space will be provided free of charge where presentations can be made on topics related to the themes proposed by the Event, tell their experience and carry out demonstrations of practical activities (workshops). In consideration of the fact that Maker Faire Rome is preceded and followed by a series of events and initiatives that do not end in the three days of the Exhibition, the detailed programming of these activities could take place digitally on dates other than those scheduled for the exhibition event.
- perform in public (performance): a physical and / or virtual space or a physical and / or virtual stage will be provided free of charge to be able to perform in one's own creative, technological, robotic, musical performance. The performances can also take place in the form of webinars, in order to facilitate the use and dissemination among the public even remotely.
In selecting the projects to be presented, the following criteria will be used:
- the Participant (s) must present a working prototype;
- the submitted project must possess the requisites of creativity and originality;
- priority will be given to projects that actively involve visitors and that show, in addition to the result, also the process of conception and realization;
- the project will also be selected on the basis of the degree of novelty in relation to what may have already been exposed in previous editions of the Event.
Therefore, interested parties are asked to fill in - no later than June 16 - the form at the link:> for professors, researchers and research fellows https://forms.gle/LbtsddZECq4ZeiQw5 > for students and PhD students: https://forms.gle/w1szCXQJi7JPBTL67