Visit Study of the Research Area - University of Helsinki
THURSDAY 12 MAY 2022 - h. 10-12
Visit Study of the Research Area - University of Helsinki
In Presentation of the Research and Services Center Saperi & Co to the delegation of the Research Area of the University of Helsinki and introduction to the works of ASURRT Sapienza.
Research funding in ltaly
Ciro Franco, Head of Promotion and Support service for research Office
Emanuele Gennuso, Head of Grant Office
Support tor research (legal aspects, contracts, IPR)
Patrizia Marinelli, Research Contract and collaboration
Giorgia Nanula, Patent and Licensing
GDPR issues and research project: Sapienza approach
Alessandra Intraversato, CERT Technical Secretariat
Ethical aspects on medicai research
Roberto Poscia, Sapienza Ethic Committee
The visit study is an opportunity to present the Saperi & Co Center and to stimulate strategies for the enhancement and promotion of research.