D'Alessio, Maria Teresa

Maria Teresa D’Alessio is Full Professor in Methods of archaeological research (Academic Field 10/A1, Archaeology; SSD L-ANT/10) in the Department of Science of Antiquities where she teaches Pompeian Archaeology and Methodology of Archaeological Research (BA/MA and Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici). Before being Full Professor (2022) she was an Associate Professor in Classical Archaeology from 2015 to 2022 and a Research Fellow in Classical Archaeology from 2004 to 2015. From 2017 Director of the scientific excavation on the NE slope of the Palatine’ hill in Rome. Her scientific interests are mainly devoted to the study of roman public and private architecture (with a special attention to Rome and Pompeii), of ancient cults and related ritual objects, of Roman topography (Rome: region IX Circus Flaminius), of exploitation trend of ancient landscapes (suburbium of Rome and Auditorium villa site), of the foundation of Rome and of the development of agrarian and urban landscapes.