

The final exam of the School of Specialization assigns 20 CFU and consists of a written essay (thesis of specialization): the overall grade, expressed in 70/70, also takes into account the grades of the exams. 

Since the duration of the School is not concordant to the academic year, the Director sets the graduation sessions at the end of the second year, usually between December and January. Extra sessions may be granted to students who have taken a period of suspension.

Forty-five days before the final exam, students must submit to the Office of the Schools of Specialization an application. A copy of the thesis signed by the Director of the School must be submitted to the Office of the Schools of Specialization 10 days before the defence. 

The School can issue a certification of the entire course carried out by the student, indicating the activities carried out, including excavations, laboratories and internships.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma