Who we are
The School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of Sapienza University of Rome, active since the academic year 2007/2008, gathers the prestigious heritage of the various institutions that have succeeded one another over time (the Schools of Archaeology and Oriental Archaeology, the National School, the School of Specialization) - all of which are the expression of the formidable scientific and cultural tradition of archaeology at Sapienza.
The School runs for two years, as established by law. In 2021 the School has restructured its course offerings: it proposes a wide range of courses articulated in 4 curricula (Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology; Classical Archaeology; Medieval Archaeology; Oriental Archaeology) with further laboratories and stages, together with a remarkable range of archaeological excavations in Italy and abroad, almost unique in the Italian panorama.
The School has a strong connection with Sapienza Polo Museale, which includes, among others, the museums of Origins, Etruscology, Classical Art, Near East Egypt and the Mediterranean, where students can study, and carry out laboratory and internship activities.
The school’s training course provides students with the necessary skills to approach the professional world, both in the public sector (superintendencies, museums, etc.) and in the private one (preventive archaeology, consultancy, VIArch).
As indicated in the various international rankings, studying and specializing in archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome means doing so in the best location in Italy and among the top 10 Universities in the world.