Professor - Student Joint Committee

The Professor - Student Joint Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the 2023-2025 academic years is currently composed of:


Vanzetti Alessandro
Department of Classics

Bettarini Luca
Department of Literature and Modern Cultures

De Troia Paolo
Department of Italian Institute of Oriental Studies 

Mainini Lorenzo
Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies

Musarra Antonio
Department of History, Anthropology, Religion, Arts and Performing Arts

Department of Philosophy


Department of History, Anthropology, Religion, Arts and Performing Arts
Maria Pia Diodati

Department of Classics

Elena Avino

Department of Italian Institute of Oriental Studies

Zoe Fokianos
Oriental Languages and Cultures,


Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies

Mariafrancesca Sorrentino

Department of Literature and Modern Cultures

Eleonora Verardi
Department of Philosophy
Damiano Moscardini

Art. 9 – Professor - Student Joint Committee

1. The Professor - Student Joint Committee is responsible for:
-    monitoring the academic programmes and the quality of didactics, as well as the services provided to students by professors and researchers;
-    identifying indicators to assess the results of the above activities;
-    formulating opinions on the activation and suppression of degree programmes;
-    reporting inefficiencies and making proposals in this regard.

2. The Professor - Student Joint Committee is composed by at least three professors and three students, pursuant to the resolutions of the Faculty Committee.

3. Professors are appointed by the Faculty General Meeting, representing the three categories (Full Professors, Associate Professors and Researchers), among those who have officially performed teaching activities in the last three years and who have been positively assessed.
The Programme Coordinators, the Presidenti dei Consigli di area didattica, the Coordinators of the Area Educational Boards, the members of the Faculty Monitoring Committee, the members of the Quality Assurance reference group, the Faculty Deans and the Department Directors cannot be members of the Professor - Student Joint Committee.

4. Students are appointed by the student representatives of the Faculty’s governing bodies. Failing such representation, they are drawn from a list of students of the degree programmes which have declared their availability.

Students who are Fuoricorso students for over a year cannot be members of the Professor - Student Joint Committee.

5. The Professor - Student Joint Committee’s term of office is two years.

6. The Professor - Student Joint Committee is chaired by the Full Professor with the highest seniority or, failing this, by the Associate Professor with the highest seniority.

7. The Chairperson calls the meeting by means of a written notice, in paper or electronic format, including the items of the Agenda, at least five days before the meeting date; in case of urgency, the meeting can be called two days earlier.

8. The meeting of the Professor - Student Joint Committee is validly held with the attendance of one half plus one of its members.
To be valid, the decisions must be taken by the majority of the people in attendance.

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