How to prepare your Master’s Degree Thesis: useful information

How to request the thesis assignment

The final exam of the Master’s degree courses requires the presentation of a thesis with original characteristics.

The thesis is an intellectual work of a creative nature, with scientific content, protected by copyright law (Law 633/19411).

In order to request the thesis assignment, the student must submit the request at the beginning of the last semester (II semester of the II year), however not later than this term, and in any case, indicatively, when the number of remaining exams is 3. Then the student must fill out correctly the "thesis assignment" form, specifying any remaining exams.

The scanned form, filled in all its parts and signed by the supervisor, who will be the guarantor of the work and will follow the student in the preparation of the thesis, must be sent in PDF format to the following e-mail address

The student agrees on the topic with a teacher of a scientific-disciplinary sector present in the student’s academic career among the basic, characterizing and related or integrative activities. The student agrees the topic of the thesis with a supervisor, who follows its development, which must be in a scientific-disciplinary sector among those present in the student’s academic career.

The supervisor must be one of the teachers belonging to the Board of the MS in Nanotechnology Engineering. At this link organization/academic-board, a list of all members of the Board is available.

There is no precise deadline for the submission of the form, but it is recommended to submit it as soon as the internship for the preparation of the final thesis has started.

Thesis development

The work of the thesis preparation can be carried out partially or totally in Italy or abroad at foreign or EU institutions, bodies, companies or at supranational or international institutions of an adequate scientific and cultural level.  The work of the thesis usually requires a period of time between 3 and 6 months.

Thesis carried out abroad

In case of thesis carried out abroad, with reference to the Regulations for students' mobility and recognition of periods of study and training carried out abroad adopted by this University, the recognition on the official certifications of CFUs corresponding to the thesis work carried out abroad is foreseen; the recognition is possible up to 80% of the CFUs foreseen for the final thesis exam.
In the specific case of the LM of Nanotechnology Engineering (17 CFUs assigned to the final exam) this means a maximum of 13 certifiable CFUs according to the following scheme, approved by the Area Council:

  • minimum certifiable period: 2 months corresponding to 9 CFU
  • maximum certifiable period: 3 months corresponding to 13 CFU

You can find the procedure in the following guidelines:  PDF iconGUIDELINES THESIS CARRIED OUT ABROAD


Thesis writing guidelines

After the assignment of the thesis topic, the student will have to search, evaluate and study the existing literature on the topic.  For this purpose, he/she will have to carry out a bibliographic research, based on the consultation of texts and scientific journals available in the library, as well as on the consultation of dedicated websites.

In the paper the sources used must be made explicit, according to the scientific conventions of the specific field of study as regards the recognition of the work of others.

The supervisor will provide support in this sense, providing one or more starting points from which going back to further sources. At the end of the bibliographical analysis phase, when the candidate has a clear idea of the research theme, he/she will have to write:

  •  a (provisional) work index;
  • a bibliography with the texts and journals consulted. Then he/she will have to submit it to the supervisor who, if necessary, will advise him/her on appropriate additions and modifications and will give consent to the beginning of the work writing.

The student can then proceed to the writing of the thesis, under the surveillance of the supervisor who will guide the work by providing further information for the continuation of activities until the final version of the work.