SAPeri&Co presents:


Enhancing the excellence and innovation resulting from Sapienza's research and activities, promoting multidisciplinary and diversified support activities for teachers, researchers and students: this is Saperi & Co's mission.
The exhibition "From ideas to prototypes" - which brings together some of the Centre's most significant research activities, services and third mission - and the performance "Taste without waste" - created in collaboration with the Sapienza in Movimento student movement - which proposes a multisensory and synaesthetic path on the themes of food awareness.

PROGRAM 20/06/2022
h. 16.00 / 20.00 Taste without waste, sensory and tasting performance I Giardini Faculty of Law
h. 17.00 / 18.00 Opening exhibition (by invitation) I Saperi & Co, Palazzina ex Tumminelli
h. 18.00 / 20.00 Guided tour of the exhibition (open to the public) I Saperi & Co, Palazzina ex Tumminelli

Antonella Polimeni Dean of Sapienza University of Rome
Giuseppe Ciccarone Vice Rector and Vice Rector for the Third Mission, Sapienza University of Rome
Maria Sabrina Sarto Vice Rector for Research, Sapienza University of Rome

Sabrina Lucibello Director of Saperi & Co, Sapienza University of Rome
Alessandra Talamo Coordinator of the Technical-Scientific Council of Saperi & Co, Sapienza University of Rome

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma