Billi, Eliana
Eliana Billi got the degree in Art History at Sapienza University of Rome in 1999, where she also got the post-graduate qualification in Medieval and Modern Art History (2003) and PhD in Art History (2007). Between 1993 and 1997 she attended the Central Institute of Restoration where, in 1998 she graduated in Restoration of Cultural Heritage, then specializing in the same Institute in 1998.
Since the beginning she has always put together her professional work as a restorer with her activity of scholar, focusing on research and education about medieval art, preservation and restoration by attending Masters, postgraduate schools and post-graduation high degree courses all over Italy. Her research focuses mainly on the history of restoration in France and in Italy in the context of the Neomedieval revival of the Nineteenth Century and the polychrome of medieval stone sculpture, analyzed in relation to the technical treatise.