
Coen, Paolo

Fridays (except holidays), at the virtual studio

Paolo Coen, Ph.D., is Full Professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Teramo, where he also teaches Museum Studies and Museum Communication. As visiting professor, he has taught at Toronto University, the Escola Superior de Belas Artes in Porto, the Universidad Autonoma and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, the University of Haifa, the Louisiana State University in Bâton Rouge, Louisiana, and the Institute for Advanced Studies - IMT, Alti Studi in Lucca. Coen was always interested in the relationship between art and society - among other things through the circuits of collecting, the market and the museum: he has to his credit 160 scientific publications, divided between museology and art history: one of his latest is Il recupero del Rinascimento: arte, politica e mercato nei primi decenni di Roma capitale (1870-1911), Silvana Editoriale, 2020.


While running the Course, Prof. Coen receives students at the end of each lesson, without appointment: you may find him in the studio of his colleague Prof. Paolo Carafa, located in the former Vetrerie Sciarra, ground floor, room 10.


During the rest of the academic year Prof. Coen receives on Fridays (except holidays), at the virtual studio To arrange an appointment please write to

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