Enrolment for Master’s Degrees


This page describes some initial guidelines, relating to enrolments in the Master's degrees of the Coris Department for the a.y. 24 - 25.

We invite you to carefully read the information on this page, to periodically check for any changes and/or updates and to carefully view the official announcements of the individual degree courses that will be published in the Sapienza 2023-2024 course catalog which will be available at the following link 

In the same way, we invite you to read and check the procedures and deadlines relating to the new academic year that will be indicated in the Sapienza Student Regulations 2024/2025 – also being published.

Master's degree programmes with verification of requirements and personal preparation:

  1. Social planning for sustainability, innovation, and gender inclusion (LM-88)
  2. Development and International Cooperation Sciences (LM-81)
  3. Gender studies, cultures and policies for media and communication (LM-19)

Master's degree programmes with limited access and Comparative Assessment

  1. Organization and Marketing for Corporate Communication (LM-59)
  2. Media studies, digital communication and journalism (LM-19)

Our Master's degree programmes 2024-2025 with verification of requirements and personal preparation
To enrol in our 3 Master's degree programmes with verification of requirements and personal preparation in:

  1. Social planning for sustainability, innovation, and gender inclusion (LM-88)
  2. Development and International Cooperation Sciences (LM-81)
  3. Gender studies, cultures and policies for media and communication (LM-19)

students must have a three-year or five-year degree with a curricular profile that is coherent and compatible with that of the chosen master's degree. For this purpose there is an ad hoc procedure called Verification of requirements and personal preparation. This procedure consists in submitting, (following the indications and deadlines indicated in the 2024/2025 Call for Applications, in the 2024/2025 Student Regulations and on this web page) an application for verification of one's study curriculum to a special Commission, which will evaluate it according to the criteria indicated in the Call for Applications, to verify precisely whether or not it complies with a series of fundamental requirements in order to proceed with enrolment.
The application for verifying the requirements, mandatory for everyone, can also be submitted by undergraduate students, with the obligation to obtain the qualification by 25 January 2025 (for Sapienza undergraduates) and by 21 December 2024 (for undergraduates from other Italian and international universities).
Once the degree has been obtained, it will then be necessary to send to the Coris Department's Student Affairs Office by email at magistralicoris@uniroma1.it (link sends e-mail) at least 10 days before the deadline for enrolment indicated in the 2024/2025 Student Regulations , copy of the degree certificate or substitute self-certification. For example, if the deadline indicated in the Student Regulations for the payment of tuition fees and therefore for completing the enrolment process is January 31, 2025, the degree certificate or substitute self-certification must be sent to the office no later than on January 20, 2025. Sapienza undergraduates who will obtain their degree on a date after 20 January 2025 must send a copy of the degree certificate or substitute self-certification no later than 25 January 2025.

If the outcome of the Verification of requirements and personal preparation is positive, it will be possible to proceed directly with enrolment by paying the enrolment fees within the deadlines indicated in the 2024/2025 Student Regulations; otherwise, the Commission will assign educational debits in specific disciplinary scientific sectors.
The recovery of any debts is preparatory to enrolment and to pay off any debts assigned, the student can enrol in single courses following the procedures set out in the 2024/2025 Student Regulations 4 and the indications given at the following link

The following can enrol in single courses:

a. Graduates from Sapienza and other Italian and foreign universities;
b. Students graduating from other Italian universities, subject to authorization by the competent educational authorities.
Students still enrolled in another Sapienza course will instead be able to recover the debt by inserting supplementary exams in their three-year course, according to the indications of their study and University regulations (either as an elective exam, or as an extra-curricular exam - pursuant to art. 6) .

In both cases, the attributed debts must be recovered at least 10 days before the deadlines for enrolment indicated in the 2023/2024 Student Regulations. For example, if the deadline indicated in the student regulations for the payment of university fees is 31 January 2025, the receipts for the exams of the single courses recovered must be sent to the Coris Student Affairs Office by email to magistralicoris@uniroma1.it(link sends e-mail) no later than January 20, 2025.

Scienze dello sviluppo e della cooperazione internazionale - Development and International Cooperation Sciences (Inter-faculty administered by the CoRiS Department - also delivered in English)
Announcement, didactic regulations and organization of the Course - published online in the enrolment section of the University Course Catalog  - at the following link

  • Degree class (LM-81)
  • Verification of requirements code – 32944 (code to be used to generate on Infostud the payment slip to be paid to submit the application for Verification of requirements for this Master's degree course)
  • Only for students from other universities: the self-certification with the list of exams taken, to be sent according to the methods and deadlines indicated in the announcement, must be sent to the email address:Verifiedquisiticooperazione.coris@uniroma1.it(link sends e-mail)(link sends e- email)
  • Students with foreign qualifications should contact the Office for students with foreign qualifications for all information relating to enrolment procedures and, for further clarifications, may also refer to the foreign student tutor by writing to the email internationalstudentscoris@uniroma1.it(link sends e-mail)
  • Course code – 32944 (code to be used for enrollment if the outcome of the Verification of requirements is positive or after the recovery of any debts)
  • Download here (vedi allegato 2) the procedures for submitting a request for verification of requirements for students from Sapienza degree courses
  • Download here (vedi allegato 1) the procedures for submitting a request to verify the requirements for students from degree courses of other universities

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma