FAQ tirocini

What is the difference between curricular and extracurricular internship?

The curricular internship must be activated and completed before the conclusion of the course of study; it allows the achievement of educational credits.
The extracurricular internship can be activated either by a student or a graduate (WITHIN 24 MONTHS OF GRANTING THE TITLE) and does not give rise to credits.

What are the office hours and how to request a meeting?

Upon request, an in-person meeting is possible on Thursdays from 10AM to 12PM at via Salaria, 113, second floor, room B4.
For a remote interview, you can book an appointment on Meet via email (ufficiostage.scom@uniroma1.it)

How to activate an internship?

For the intern

  1. Enrollment on the Jobsoul portal 
  2. Application for an internship opportunity / a spontaneous application for internship to a company. 
  3. Sending of the draft of the training project (created by the company: see step 7) to the tutor professor for approval (to check the list of tutor professors click here. (
  4. Signature of the project by the student.

For the company

  1. Registration on the Jobsoul portal following the steps outlined here.   
  2. Application for agreement with La Sapienza University for curricular/extracurricular internships from the reserved area on Jobsoul.
  3. Reception of the email of acceptance of the request.
  4. Download of the agreement from the reserved area on Jobsoul.
  5. Digital signature of the agreement by the company's legal officer and sending via PEC to the Sapienza Protocol Office (protocollosapienza@cert.uniroma1.it)
  6. Acceptance of the aspiring intern's application/spontaneous application.
  7. Creation of the internship training project.
  8. Signing of the training project (for curricular internship: signature of the company tutor required; for extracurricular internship: signature of the legal officer required)
How to correctly fill out the cv on the jobsoul platform?

If during the compilation of your CV on Jobsoul, the system reports some error, the block is likely due to incorrect filling.  We recommend you make changes to your CV on the platform (and then apply a new spontaneous application for an internship at the company) by paying attention to the following:

- Select the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication, and NOT the Faculty of Communication Sciences.
- In the "Degree Program" section, select your master’s degree Program from the drop-down menu that will appear as soon as you begin typing
- In the "Last Year Attended" section, indicate the solar year in which you are applying for internship activation
- The application must be for a company that already has an agreement with Sapienza for curricular internships (this can be seen by the presence or absence of the "Sapienza" logo below the name of the host institution), or for an opportunity aimed at students from your own degree course (the list of Degree Courses accepted for each application are indicated within the individual internship opportunity).

Regarding information about how to practically fill out the Curriculum Vitae, click here

How to apply for an internship?

After the search for an internship according to students' degree programs, you must access your reserved area, select the desired opportunity, and click on the button "APPLY NOW" at the bottom of the page.
It is also possible to spontaneously apply to a company that has already an agreement with Sapienza. You can find the list of companies under agreement in the "Research a Company" section.

How to create the internship training project?

The internship training project is created by the company after their acceptance of the student's application on the Jobsoul portal. The Project is created by filling out the appropriate form, saving it as a draft, and sending it in a request for approval.

For more information about the procedures for creating the internship training project, click here

Who approves the internship formative project?

The internship formative project must be approved by the referring professor of the Degree Course.
The procedure by which this is done is as follows: the Internship Office sends a draft of the Project to the student via email; the student must then send it to their referring professor, whose name will be indicated in the email received from the Internship Office. However, the list of referring professors can be seen at this link

When will the internship be active?

The internship will be active when the Formative Project is signed by both the company tutor and the university tutor and the intern.

How the delivery of documents needed to activate the internship take place?

Exclusively via email before the internship start date. Insurance coverage and actual activation will occur after the signature of the three signatories.

Can i start the internship before having turned in the documents?


Is it possible to extend the internship/internship?

Yes, but:
- Curricular internships can last a maximum of 12 months, including extensions.
- Extracurricular internships can last a maximum of 6 months, including extensions.

The extension request must be entered online on the Jobsoul platform with the new dates, requesting approval. The extension must be submitted before the expiration of the previously activated training project.

How do i complete the internship?

The student must:

How to get cfu from an internship?

Once the internship is completed, you must send an email to the internship office (ufficiostage.scom@uniroma1.it), which will send the receipt of the company questionnaire to be attached to the credit request, along with the formative project and the receipt of the student's final evaluation questionnaire.

What activities are useful for the recognition of cfu for codes aaf1173/aaf1176 (recognized by the internship office)?

The activities provided for all degree programs for recognition are:
- External curricular internship, activated in advance on the Jobsoul portal.
- Internal internship, activated in advance on the Jobsoul portal.
- Voluntary National Civil Service 
- Publication of journalistic articles
- Relevant work activity
- Student-collaboration Scholarships

Cfu recognition for the course "media studies, digital communication and journalism"

Students enrolled up to the year 20/21 may apply for the recognition of:
- 6 cfu expected in the second year, with code AAF1764 - STAGE, by requesting validation from the Internship Office. The internship must be at least 150 hours long, equal to 6 CFU.

Students enrolled from year 21/22 to year 23/24 may request recognition of:
- 3 cfu expected in the first year, code AAF1985 - INTERNSHIP AND OTHER KNOWLEDGE USEFUL FOR INSERTING IN THE WORKPLACE, by registering on Infostud at the first convenient call opened by Prof. Christian Ruggiero. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 CFU.
- 3 cfu, expected in the second year, code AAF1173 - FOR STAGES AND INTERNSHIP WITH COMPANIES, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENTITIES, PROFESSIONAL ORDER, by requesting validation from the Internship Office. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 CFU.

Students enrolled from year 24/25 onwards may apply for the recognition of:
- 3 cfu, expected in the first year, code AAF1985 - INTERNSHIP AND OTHER KNOWLEDGE USEFUL FOR THE INSERT IN THE WORKPLACE, by registering on Infostud at the first convenient call opened by Prof. Christian Ruggiero. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 cfu;
- 6 cfu, expected in the second year, code AAF1173 - FOR STAGES AND INTERNSHIP IN COMPANIES, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENTITIES, PROFESSIONAL ORDER, to the Internship Office. The internship must be at least 150 hours long, equal to 6 cfu.

Cfu recognition for the course "organization and marketing for corporate communication"

Students enrolled up to the year 20/21 may apply for the recognition of:
- 6 cfu expected in the second year, with code AAF1764 - STAGE by requesting validation from the Internship/Internship Office. The internship must be at least 150 hours long, equal to 6 cfu.

Students enrolled from year 21/22 to year 22/23 may apply for recognition of:
- 3 cfu expected in the second year, code AAF1764 - INTERNSHIP AND TRAINEESHIPS, by requesting validation from the Internship/Internship Office. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 cfu;

Students enrolled from year 23/24 may request validation of:
- 3 cfu foreseen in the second year, code AAF1985 - INTERNSHIP AND OTHER KNOWLEDGE USEFUL FOR THE ENTRANCE IN THE WORKPLACE, by registering on Infostud at the first convenient call opened by Prof. Barbara Mazza. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 cfu;
- 6 cfu expected in the second year, code AAF1173 (or AAF1176) - FOR STAGES AND INTERNSHIP IN COMPANIES, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENTITIES, PROFESSIONAL ORDER, by requesting validation from the Internship/Internship Office. The internship must be at least 150 hours long, equivalent to 6 cfu.

Cfu recognition for the course "international cooperation and development"

Students enrolled in the bachelor's degree course of International Cooperation and Development from a.y. 2019/2020 to a.y. 2020/2021 onward, must complete an internship of at least 80 hours, equivalent to 2 CFU.

Students enrolled in the bachelor's degree program International Cooperation and Development from a.y. 2021/2022 onward must take an internship of at least 50 hours, equal to 2 CFU.

2019-20: 40 hours per cfu
2020-21: 40 hours per cfu
2021-22: 25 hours per cfu
2022-23: 25 hours per cfu.

Activities provided for credit include volunteer work.

Cfu recognition for the course "development and international cooperation science"

Students enrolled in the master’s degree of Science in Development and International Cooperation course in a.y. 2020/2021, must complete an internship of at least 120 hours, equal to 3 CFU.

Students enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022 must complete an internship of at least 75 hours, equal to 3 CFU.

The activities provided for the achievement of credits include volunteer work.

Cfu recognition for the course "communication, evaluation and social research for organizations"

Students in the master's degree course of "Communication, Evaluation and Social Research for Organizations" must complete an internship of at least 120 hours equal to 3cfu.
The activities provided for credit also include the following:
- Attendance at courses on data design, processing, and analysis held at the Corislab facility of the Department of Communication and Social Research (duly documented);
- Participation in extracurricular research activities carried out under the coordination of a faculty member who holds a teaching position in the relevant course of study or in another master's degree course of the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication (duly documented).

Cfu recognition for the course "sociology, social research and evaluation"

Students in the master's degree program in Communication Evaluation and Social Research for Organizations must complete an internship of at least 120 hours equal to 3cfu.
The activities required for credit also include the following:
- Attendance at courses on data design, processing, and analysis held at the Corislab facility of the Department of Communication and Social Research (duly documented);
- Participation in extracurricular research activities carried out under the coordination of a faculty member who holds a teaching position at the relevant course of study or at another master's degree course of the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication (duly documented).

Cfu recognition for the course "social planning for sustainability, innovation and gender inclusion"

Students enrolled from the academic year 2021/2022 will be able to apply:
- from the CORIS internship office (ufficiostage.scom@uniroma1.it) the recognition of 3 CFUs for the code "AAF1173 - FOR STAGES AND INTERNSHIP IN COMPANIES, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENTITIES, PROFESSIONAL ORDER ", scheduled for the second year. To find out the list of activities recognized for that code, read the item "WHICH ACTIVITIES ARE USEFUL FOR CFU RECOGNITION FOR CODES AAF1173/AF1176?")
- to Prof. Giovanna Gianturco for the recognition of 3 cfu for the code "AAF1985 - internships and other useful knowledge for placement in the world of work" also provided for the second year.

Cfu recognition for the course "gender studies, cultures and policies for media and communication"

Students enrolled in year 22/23 may apply for the recognition of:
- 3 cfu in the second year, with code AAF1985 - INTERNSHIP AND OTHER KNOWLEDGE USEFUL FOR INSERTION IN THE WORKPLACE, by registering on Infostud at the first convenient call opened by Prof. Paola Panarese. The internship must be completed for at least 75 hours, equal to 3 CFU.
- 3 cfu in the second year, code AAF1173 - FOR STAGES AND INTERNSHIP WITH COMPANIES, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENTITIES, PROFESSIONAL ORDER, by requesting validation from the Internship Office. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 CFU.

Students enrolled from year 23/24 may apply for recognition of:
- 3 cfu in the first year, code AAF1985 - INTERNSHIP AND OTHER KNOWLEDGE USEFUL FOR INSERTING THE WORKPLACE, by registering on Infostud at the first useful call opened by Prof. Paola Panarese. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 CFU;
- 3 cfu in the second year, code AAF1173 - FOR STAGES AND INTERNSHIP WITH COMPANIES, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENTITIES, PROFESSIONAL ORDER, by requesting validation from the Internship Office. The internship must be at least 75 hours long, equal to 3 CFU.


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