Challenges in Developmental and Social Research with Immigrant and Minority People

The Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, will host a one-day conference on “Challenges in Developmental and Social Research with Immigrant and Minority People” on November 16, 2019 (2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.). The organizers are inviting contributions for poster submission from academic members (professors, lecturers, researchers, Ph.D. students) of Faculty of Medicine and Psychology.

Relevant topics include (but are by no means limited to) research in developmental and social research with immigrant and minority people: theoretical and empirical research discussing migrant/refugee integration (including refugee children), migrants’ social networks, social and organizational psychology, self and social identity, attitudes and persuasion, stereotypes and discrimination, cultural psychology, educational and pedagogical research, human trafficking, immigrant health, immigration law, policies and practices, migration governance. Both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches are welcome. 

Please see the  Call for Abstract (Annex 1), the list of Invited speakers (Annex 2), and the Abstract Book

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