Di Lernia, Savino

Savino di Lernia is an Africanist archaeologist with over thirty years of fieldwork activity. He leads the Archaeological Mission in the Sahara (Grande Scavo di Ateneo) and the Archaeological Mission in the Kenyan Rift Valley. He is Associate Professor of African Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology. He is member of the Doctorate in Archaeology of Sapienza; Honorary Research Fellow at the Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg; member of the Rock Art Network founded by the Getty Conservation Institute; Life Member of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists. He is a consultant to UNESCO on the prehistory and rock art of the Sahara. He is part of the editorial boards of Journal of African Archaeology, Azania Archaeological Research in Africa, Caster, Rivista di Studi Fenici, Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia. He directs the series Arid Zone Archaeology. He has written two books and edited 8 monographs on African archaeology, together with over 200 articles in international journals, including Nature, Science, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Journal of World Prehistory. In 2012 he was awarded by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano with the Prize "Giorgio Maria Sangiorgi" of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei for “History and Ethnology of Africa”.