Museum studies
The course provides a solid, advanced and pragmatic approach to the world of Museums, particularly archaeological ones. Through three didactic phases, linked and interdependent, the lessons and the exercises teach the principles, the characters and the basic rules of the discipline, also from an ethical and deontological point of view; they also enable each student to formulate well-considered critical judgements and to act autonomously and correctly within permanent or temporary exhibition contexts. The first phase, with a historical-theoretical cut, focuses on the very definition and essential functions of the museum: shaped in the eighteenth century, they are still largely valid today. The second phase, ruled by the principles of the 'New Museology', focuses on some key concepts, from 'public' and 'communication' to 'valorisation'. The third phase focuses on museum’s storytelling. When applied to museums, storytelling reveals considerable potential in didactic, communication and attractiveness terms.
The course consists of lessons in class, other seminar-type lessons, including practical exercises, and at least one visit to a Roman museum complex (see also below).
- Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un museo, Roma, Carocci, ultima edizione 2021 (euro 12.00; totale pagine 122)
- Cinzia Dal Maso, Introduzione; Ead., Non solo narrativa; Elena Rocco, Giovanna De Appolonia e Raffaella Cavallo, Un linguaggio per tutti: le sfide dello storytelling accessibile; Antonio Brusa, Raccontare, giocare, imparare la storia; Aldo Di Russo, I musei narranti; Adele Magnelli, Innovazione, tecnologia e storytelling; Chiara Boracchi, Lo storytelling e le dure leggi del web, in Cinza Dal Maso (a cura di), Racconti da museo. Storytelling d'autore per il museo 4.0, Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, rispettivamente alle pp. 11-25, 69-83, 85-103, 141-151, 167-169, 187-199, 201-215 (euro 15.20; totale pagine 84)
Each student has to write a paper, about 15,000 characters long. The topic and title of the paper must have the teacher’s approval. The assessment of the paper complements the assessment made by the teacher by questioning the examination texts.
The visit involves the contribution of a part of the class in the museological reading phase and of the remaining part of the class in the evaluation phase, according to the principle of peer tutoring.