
CIVIS Coinage Course

The Heritage of Money and Coinage: Multiple Approaches to Ancient Coins and Economies 
Spring school, March–April 2022 
CIVIS Hub 2, Society, Culture, Heritage. Focus Area: Heritage and Global Epistemologies. 
Organising universities: Stockholm University (SU), La Sapienza University Rome (SUR), University of Tübingen (TU).Master and doctoral students (max. 12) will gather for a research-driven educational module on numismatic (monetary) material, methodology and theory, and related heritage issues, over a 5-weeks period of time. It includes digital teaching and seminars as well as on-site activities during a spring school in Rome and Naples. 
In a digital lecture series, the teachers from SU, SUR, and TU will present keynote papers from their current research pertaining to the spring school’s overarching topic, followed by discussion sessions with students. Parallel with the lecture series, students will work on a course task, the Individual Project.
An on-site event in Rome will include a scientific excursion to selected archaeological sites, hands-on work in different museum exhibitions and collections, and a face-to-face classroom environment with presentations and discussions.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma