Classical archaeology
The great tradition of studies in Classical Archaeology at Sapienza during the 20th Century allows to offer new perspectives in the study of Archaeology and History of Ancient Art.
Context analysis is the core of our courses, aiming to connect material culture, formal and stylistic analysis, transformation of ancient landscapes over time, investigation of stratigraphies and elevations. Up-to-date tools and methods allow the students to learn how to manage information collected from different sources, such as archaeological data, iconographies, literary traditions, epigraphic and numismatic dossiers, cartographies and draws. Participation in laboratories and sites of urban and extra-urban “Grandi Scavi”, such as the Palatine, Peltuinum and Pyrgi, are one of the greatest experiences for students.
The whole offer (lectures, seminars, conferences, laboratories and excavations) aims to achieve archaeologists specialized in research, management, enhancement and communication of Cultural and Archaeological Heritage, in the perspective of a profession in both public and private sectors.
The specific courses of the Classical archaeology curriculum attribute 20 of the 40 CFU of the area 1 "Knowledge and contextualisation of archaeological heritage" to the courses of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD):
- L-ANT/02 Storia greca
- L-ANT/03 Storia romana
- L-ANT/04 Numismatica
- L-ANT/06 Etruscologia e Antichità italiche
- L-ANT/07 Archeologica classica
- L-ANT/09 Topografia antica
- L-ANT/10 Metodologia della ricerca archeologica
- L-FIL-LET 01Civiltà Egee
- GEO/01 Paleontologia e Paleoecologia
- BIO/08 Antropologia.
The remaining 20 CFU are to be chosen within the SSDs of the other curricula.