Post-classical and medieval archaeology
Attend a post-graduate studies in post-classical archaeology in Rome means dealing with the whole range of disciplines that contribute to the rebuilding of societies from late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Sapienza University was among the first to activate research and teaching for these historical periods. It is possible to study Christian and Late Antiquity Archaeology, topography, epigraphy and archaeology of the Middle Ages in all their forms. There are also laboratories on the study of artefacts, on the archaeology of architecture, on medieval epigraphy, on the management of information, on the elaboration of the archaeological documentation, in addition to surveys and excavations. From the late antique phases of Ostia to those of the XV century CE in Cencelle, it is possible to take part in research and archaeological excavations and to share study and publications of their results.
The specific courses of the Post-classical and medieval archaeology curriculum attribute 20 of the 40 CFU of the area 1 "Knowledge and contextualisation of archaeological heritage" to the courses of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD):
- L-ANT 08 Archeologia cristiana e medioevale
- L-ANT/10 Metodologia della ricerca archeologica
- GEO/01 Paleontologia e Paleoecologia;
- BIO/08 Antropologia.
The remaining 20 CFU are to be chosen within the SSDs of the other curricula.