Oriental archaeology
The Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, as well as Phoenician and Punic Archaeology, Islamic Archaeology, Iran Studies – and many other subjects related to the study of pre-Classical antiquities in the Near East and Middle East, Mediterranean, Egypt, Persian World, and Central Asia, - were first taught in Italy in Sapienza University of Rome in the ‘60ies of the last century. This deeply-rooted tradition was also connected with great excavation enterprises, such as Ebla, Arslantepe, Jericho, Motya, and many other excavation projects, from which a distinguished practice in archaeology and outstanding scientific results descended. Moreover, this tradition also included archaeological heritage protection, promotion and sites management, always in strict cooperation with countries where Sapienza used to be committed. To these latter topics is devoted the Oriental Curriculum of the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage.
The specific courses of the Oriental Archaeology curriculum attribute 20 of the 40 CFU of the area 1 "Knowledge and contextualisation of archaeological heritage" to the courses of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD):
- L-ANT 01 Preistoria e Protostoria
- L-FIL-LET 01 Civiltà egee
- L-OR/01 Storia del vicino oriente antico
- L-OR02 Egittologia e civiltà copta
- L-OR/03 Assirologia;
- L-OR/05 Archeologia e storia dell'arte del vicino oriente antico
- L-OR/06 Archeologia Fenicio-Punica;
- L-OR/11 Archeologia e storia dell'arte musulmana
- L-OR/16 Archeologia e storia dell'arte dell'India e dell'Asia centrale
- L-OR/20 Archeologia, storia dell'arte e filosofia dell'Asia orientale
- GEO/01 Paleontologia e Paleoecologia
- BIO/08 Antropologia.
The remaining 20 CFU are to be chosen within the SSDs of the other curricula.