Etruscology and Italic Antiquities
The teachings of Etruscology and Italic Antiquity and Archaeology of the Pre-Roman Italy aim to offer an updated picture of the issues at the center of the scientific debate in the specific disciplinary sector, from research in the urban environment to studies on funeral ideology, from the reconstruction and publication of the "old" excavations to the analysis of the transformations of the territory in relation to the phenomenon of the "Romanization".
Lectures and participation of students with personal works in connection with specific interests.
Specific for each course.
Educational visits (Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia and territorial museums), excavation activities at the port and the Etruscan sanctuary of Pyrgi and in Veio in loc. Comunità, laboratory activities connected to the excavations, collaboration in the initiatives promoted by the Museo delle Antichità Etrusche e Italiche - Polo Museale Sapienza, participation in other projects (research in the Faliscan countryside, recovery and publication of contexts from "old" excavations, repertoire of Greek and Latin literary sources on the peoples of ancient Italy).