International Thematic Workshop Migration studies and inclusive policies from social, developmental and educational perspective


Rome (Italy), 21st – 23rd September 2020

The Department of Social and Developmental Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology at the Sapienza University of Rome - selected in 2018 as Department of Excellence by the M.I.U.R. (Italian Ministry of University and Research) for its project on the theme of Migratory Flows and Inclusive Practice in Europe and Italy - has organized the 2020 International Thematic Workshop on

“Migration studies and inclusive policies from social, developmental and educational perspective

that will be held  from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 September 2020

shifted to the virtual interactive modality, using a user-friendly system for web video-conference, that will capture most of the synchronic and interactive qualities of the initially planned in-person meeting. 


Besides the key lectures by leading international scholars and younger researchers expert in the field of migration studies from different theoretical and methodological approaches in psychology and other social sciences, this international thematic workshop includes interactive discussion sessions open to the presentations by the participants involved in investigations on migration issues.

This International Thematic Workshop will provide the opportunity for PhD students and early stage researchers (ESR) in social psychology, communication studies, sociology, political sciences, social work and related disciplines interested in Migration Studies to reflect and to exchange insights on the link between academic studies and policies about current migration issues in different geo-cultural contexts/countries in Europe, Canada and Latin America.

The participants will benefit from this International Thematic Workshop in three principal ways:

·       First, after the lectures by the invited key speakers, the participants will be stimulated to discuss and create an agenda for research and action based on the current societal issues for and about first and second generation of immigrants and refugees.

·       Second, they will present and get feedbacks about their own research projects and manuscript for publications related to migration issues.

Third, the workshop will be also a unique opportunity to network with other participants from throughout the world interested in migration studies.
Please see the  program (Annex 1) and the list of Invited speakers (Annex 2) 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma