Medical libraries - Squarcione

Maria Squarcione, Sapienza University of Rome

Maria Squarcione obtained a Ph.D. in Italian Studies and is currently the director of the Library of Anatomical, Histological, Medico-Legal and Locomotive Apparatus Sciences of Sapienza, University of Rome. She has a longstanding experience in Reference and Information Literacy fields, starting at the beginning of the 90’s when she held seminars and lectures for students and realized the Advanced Reference portal at the Department of Sociology and Communication. She subsequently enriched her experience in the bio-medical area, implementing seminars and courses regarding the teaching resources destined to specialized users and in 2013 she wrote the volume “La Sapienza delle biblioteche” regarding the informative system of the University, the bibliographic research and academic writing. She is currently engaged, together with the Medical School work group, in the implementation of the teaching module “Documentarsi a Medicina”, which is offered on the e-learing Moodle platform.

Scholarly communication in Sapienza

La Sapienza plays an important role in the creation and dissemination of information literacy and a widespread research mentality, that are essential factors for a conscious and active citizenship in this historical phase.
With the intent of developing skills that are strategic for the management of a lifelong learning, a group of librarians of the medical area of the University, given their expertise in the field of advanced reference and formats for the information literacy, has designed an educational module, wich can be accessed by the Moodle platform. This work has been inspired by the desire to better develop the academic documentary and communicative culture, by letting the recipients familiarize with the method of documentary research in a way that is as close as possible to their cognitive experience.


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