Road Safety

Road Safety

Instructor information

Module leader: Prof. Davide Shingo Usami

Course information

ECTS: 6 credits
Status: Elective
Semester: 2
Hours: 30/18 (lectures/exercises)


The aim of the course is to provide to the student operating capability to:

  • Analyse and show accident phenomena of a road transport system, identifying critical points
  • Understand principal accident causes through statistical analysis techniques and “in-depth” analysis
  • Identify most effective countermeasures for different cases, through correct use of tools for cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Monitor the effects of interventions through correct application of results evaluation techniques

Syllabus outline

  • Description of road accident phenomenon: Phenomenon dimensions; indicators; characteristics in term of: transport modes, localization, users involved; comparison between Italian situation and other countries; current regulation background.
  • Accident data collection and management: accident data collection and management process in Italy; points of weakness of accident databases; innovative techniques for data collection and management through telematic tools; innovative databases: the European Road Safety Observatory.
  • Road accident analysis: accident process: risk exposure, probability of accident, accident consequences; risk factors; techniques for road accident analysis; Empirical Bayes Method to estimate the correct number of accidents.
  • Road safety Measures planning: risk factors and relative measures; examples of measures: engineering measures, educational and information campaigns, enforcement, intelligent measures, passive safety measures; pros and cons of different measures; measures planning process: identification of critical elements, determination of main causes, determination of possible countermeasures, measures selection with cost-benefit analysis; evaluation of measures.
  • Environmental impacts: description of principal impacts; European and Italian regulation; models and instruments to estimate environmental impacts.
  • Methodologies to evaluate projects: Road Safety Impact Assessment; Environmental Impact Assessment; Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Essential reading list

  • Lecture notes and slides provided by the instructor
  • Elvik R., (2009). The Handbook of Road Safety Measures, Elsevier

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