Transport Modeling and Planning

Transport Modeling and Planning

Instructor information

Module leader: Prof. Guido Gentile

Course information

ECTS: 12 credits
Status: Compulsory
Semester: 1
Hours: 60/36 (lectures/exercises)
Link: course page


To provide a methodological background for the simulation and the design of transport systems, aimed at the evaluation of interventions on the infrastructure and service network, as well as at the application of polices for the mobility of people and goods. The subjects will be developed through phenomena analyses, model definitions, and algorithm applications to elementary cases. A synthesis of the arguments presented in the course is listed below:

  • System approach and transport supply (1 credit)
  • Random utility theory and passenger demand modelling (3 credits)
  • Advanced choice models and freight demand models (1 credit)
  • Network loading and assignment (2 credits)
  • Equilibrium models and O-D matrix estimation (2 credits)
  • Transit assignment (1 credit)
  • Dynamic traffic assignment and network design (2 credits)

Syllabus outline

First part:

  • Systematic approach to the analysis of mobility. Introduction and scope. Land-use and transport. Structure of models for the simulation of mobility. Zoning the study area. Origin-destination matrix and travel demand characteristics.
  • Background on transport supply. Formulation of the supply model. Representation of the road network through a graph. Performance and cost functions. Assignment with explicit path enumeration. GIS and database for transport planning.
  • Random utility theory. Discrete choice models. Utility and attributes. Multinomial logit. Nested logit. Cross-nested logit. Probit. Mixed logit. Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Demand models. Trip frequency model. Category index model. Generation through regression. Distribution and elementary destinations. Gravity model. Modal split. Aggregation problem. Time series.
  • Calibration and validation. Regression and least squares. Maximum likelihood. Stated preferences.
  • Route choice and network loading. Route choice models. Network loading with implicit path enumeration. Shortest path algorithms. All-or-nothing assignment. Monte Carlo network loading. Dial algorithm.
  • Equilibrium models and algorithms. Fixed-point formulations. Method of successive averages.

Second part:

  • Equilibrium models and algorithms. Optimization problem formulations. Variational inequality. Frank-Wolfe algorithm. Bush-based algorithms. Multi-class, multi-mode and elastic demand equilibria. Assignment software.
  • O-D matrix estimation. Direct estimation and cordon surveys. Provincialization model. Matrix reproportioning. Reconstruction based on traffic flows.
  • Freight transport. Multi-regional input output. Movement generation of pick-up and delivery. Distribution models for urban freights.
  • Transit assignment. Representation of the line network though a graph. Frequency-based assignment. Stop model. Strategy-based assignment and hyperpaths. Schedule-based assignment. Departure-time choice.
  • Dynamic assignment. Kinematic wave theory. Arc and node models. Dynamic shortest paths. Dynamic network loading. Dynamic equilibrium. Information to travellers.
  • Network design. Planning objectives and their evaluation. System optimum and marginal pricing. Network design algorithms.

Essential reading list

  • Ennio Cascetta (2009) Transportation Systems Analysis Models and Applications. Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-75857-2
  • Lecture slides and exercises provided by the instructor

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