Outgoing Students




Students from Sapienza University are encouraged to apply for Erasmus+ mobility programs for studying, provided they are regularly enrolled. Even third-year undergraduate students can participate in mobility for their first year of the master's degree as long as they are regularly enrolled in the academic year of mobility. The evaluation of applications will consider academic career, merit, and motivation in choosing locations.


Pre-departure documents

After evaluations, selected students are contacted by the Faculty's Erasmus Office to confirm their mobility, sign a financial contract, and complete the Learning Agreement, specifying planned activities. The Erasmus Office initiates nomination procedures at partner universities, where students submit documentation, and the partner institution formally accepts or rejects the applications.


Re-entry and validation

At the end of the mobility, the host university must send the Certificate of Attendance to Sapienza's Erasmus Department, indicating the arrival and conclusion dates of the mobility, to smout@uniroma1.it.

Beyond the documented conclusion date in the Certificate of Attendance, taking exams at the partner university is impossible. The Erasmus offices of the partner university will directly send the exam results (Transcript of Records, ToR) to the Faculty's RAEF (erasmussmfn@uniroma1.it), who will upload them to Socrates Organizer.

The grades in the Transcript of Records will be translated using the grading scale of the host university, referring to the grading conversion table developed according to the guidelines for ECTS adoption - link: https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/riconoscimento-esami-erasmus.

If you want to apply for the Erasmus call, get the required language certifications at least one year in advance!


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma

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