Istituto Pasteur Italia - Call 2020 per il finanziamento dei nuovi progetti di ricerca
CALL 2020
a) N. 6 Two year “Anna Tramontano” - research projects of 20.000 Euro/year reserved to under 60 year-old scientists (by the deadline of proposal submission) of Sapienza Università di Roma with at least 5 last/corresponding author research papers in press or published in the last 5 years (since 01/01/2015) in high quality peer-reviewed scientific journals. Editorials and letters to the editor without data do not count for eligibility.
b) N. 8 Two year- research projects of 20.000 Euro/year reserved to under 45 year-old junior scientists (at the deadline of proposal submission) with at least 5 first/last/corresponding author research papers in press or published in the last 5 years (since 01/01/2015) in high quality peer-reviewed scientific journals. Editorials and letters to the editor without data do not count for eligibility.
The projects must be performed within the Sapienza Departments. The Hosting Department will actively favor the birth of a totally independent new research unit, and provide the facilities, equipment, and infrastructure necessary to carry out the proposed research. The Department Head must provide a letter that confirms the commitment of the Hosting Institution to foster the new research unit and certify that the PI will receive a salary for all the grant period.