Summer school The role of the geoscientist in the energy transition
Camerino, Italy 20 - 26 September 2021
The increasing energy request of our society combined with the environmental cost of the extensive use of coal and hydrocarbons requires an integrated and balanced management of energy resources.
A wide range of solutions already exist. Some of those directly produce low carbon power, such as solar, wind, marine energies, hydrogen, hydraulic energy, biogas, geothermal and nuclear.
While others, like CCUS, may help to sequestrate the greenhouse gas emissions from heavy industry. These different energy sources have distinct technical characteristics associated with advantages and disadvantages that must be gauged, compared and in some case combined. The development of the potential of each of these solutions requires a fundamental contribution from the geoscience disciplines.
This summer school proposes a panorama of various contributions putting them in the broader context, including practical input of the industry, operators, associations, researchers, political and administrative managers. Special attention will be given to the differences in the strategic choices of different countries and energy industry groups. Although the jobs are sometimes presented as antagonistic, the competencies required to manage the new energy sources are somewhat like those needed for any natural resources. Understanding resources, reserves, uncertainties, and risk management are a vital competence that geoscientists may use on many occasions. Those topics will be presented and discussed during the week of the summer school.
The Summer School will deal on:
_The present-day energy mix landscape and scenarios. _Decarbonized sources of energy: geothermal, natural H2. _Bio-sourced energy: the three generations of biogas.
_The mitigations of the anthropic CO2 emission: CCS and CCU. _Energy storage: gas or heat.
_Need of raw material for the new energy mix.
University of Camerino, Italy
Organizing committee
Sabina Bigi (Sapienza University of Rome) Roberto Gambini (RE&E)
Isabelle Moretti (UPPA)
Emanuele Tondi (Camerino University).
Registration & Fees
The school is dedicated to PhD and PostDoc student in geosciences. The training will alternate presentations with case studies that will be in the multidisciplinary team and the number of participants will be limited to 25. The fee is 300,00 € and includes enrolment and participation at the seminars and lectures, supporting teaching material, accommodation, one meal/day. Other expenses will be paid by participants.
Please send your application before the July 5th, 2021 to the following email address:
After your application will be validated, bank details will be sent by mail for the pre-registration fee of 150,00 €.
Key Presentations will be made available to a wider audience through webinars.
UNICAM aprile 2021