Convocazione seminari procedure Tenure Track Dipartimento Fisica

Lunedì, 19 Giugno, 2023 - 15:00

lunedì 19 giugno

Si terranno i seguenti seminari  cui si potrà assistere in presenza in Aula Cabibbo o collegandosi al link zoom dell'aula:

Ore 15.00

Dr.Marco Drago

Vincitore procedura valutativa ex. art. 24 c. 5 L.240/10 FIS/01 02/A1


Gravitational wave search for transient signals.


Gravitational wave astronomy has started on 2015, when the first detection happened. Since then LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaborations have confirmed several events originating from the coalescence of binary systems composed by compact objects. On May 24th the fourth scientific run has started with increased sensitivity, enhancing the probability to detect new astrophysical objects of which the modelization is not exhaustive and complete. We overview one of the main approaches for the search of transient signals without making particular assumptions, which is used also to trigger partner telescopes in real time to enhance the possibility of a multi-messenger detection



Ore 15.30

Dr.Luca Lamagna

Vincitore procedura valutativa ex. art. 24 c. 5 L.240/10 FIS/05 02/C1


Probing primordial inflation with the next generation of CMB polarization experiments.


Inflation is a consolidated concept in modern cosmology, providing a compelling explanation for the origin of the large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. Observations of the CMB and of its anisotorpies have already played a crucial role in support of such a scenario, but the task of providing tight constraints on the details of the physics of inflation is far from being complete.In particular, inflation predicts a background of primordial gravitational waves and their imprint on the pattern of CMB polarization, known as “B-mode”. Such effect  carries valuable information about the energy scale and the dynamics of inflationary processes.Recent progress in experimental techniques and analysis methods is finally allowing us to gain access to this pivotal window on the inflationary universe.I will briefly review the latest advancements in CMB observations, including experiments such as Planck, BICEP/Keck, and upcoming missions like LiteBIRD. I will examine the observational techniques employed to extract the B-mode polarization signal from the CMB data and discuss the challenges associated with detecting such faint signals. Understanding such challenges, and the complex interplay between sheer sensitivity and systematics control, will ultimately determine our capability to reliably contrain primordial B-modes in future CMB experiments.



Ore 16.00

Dr.Nicolò Spagnolo

Vincitore procedura valutativa ex. art. 24 c. 5 L.240/10 FIS/01 02/B1

Certification of photonic quantum hardware

The development of quantum technologies promises novel approaches to tackle different tasks, ranging from computing, simulation, communication and sensing, enabling improved performances with respect to those methodologies based on classical resources. In parallel to the process of protocols and technology development, a fundamental requirement is to identify suitable approaches to certify the correct operation of a quantum hardware. This is particularly relevant for those tasks, that can be solved more efficiently by a quantum device, where no trivial certification method is applicable. A paradigmatic example is provided by the class Boson Sampling problems, where the aim is to sample from a classically-hard distribution obtained after evolution of single-photon inputs through linear-optical networks. We discuss recently developed and experimentally tested methods for the validation of photonic Boson Sampling devices against the main source of experimental noise, and highlight potential connections with other tasks such as sensing and communication.

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