Eleonora Di Valentino "Unresolved Anomalies and Tensions in the Standard Cosmological Model" Dip. di Fisica [CHIAMATA]

Lunedì, 8 Gennaio, 2024 - 16:00

 Il giorno lunedì 8 gennaio alle ore 16:00 in presenza in aula Conversi si terranno i seminari dei due vincitori ex aequo del concorso PA 02/A2 (ex art.18, comma 4, L.240/2010) CODICE CONCORSO 2023PAE013

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Oratore: Eleonora Di Valentino (University of Sheffield)

Titolo: Unresolved Anomalies and Tensions in the Standard Cosmological Model

Abstract:  The standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmological model has been incredibly successful in explaining a wide range of observational data, from the cosmic microwave background radiation to the large-scale structure of the universe. However, recent observations have revealed a number of inconsistencies among the model's key cosmological parameters, which have different levels of statistical significance. These include discrepancies in measurements of the Hubble constant, the S8 tension, and the CMB tension. While some of these inconsistencies could be due to systematic errors, the persistence of such tensions across various probes suggests a potential failure of the canonical LCDM model. I will examine these inconsistencies and discuss possible explanations, including modifications to the standard model, that could potentially alleviate them.

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