Alessandro Pilloni "Status and prospects for Hadron spectroscopy" Dip. di Fisica [CHIAMATA]

Lunedì, 8 Gennaio, 2024 - 16:00

 Il giorno lunedì 8 gennaio alle ore 16:00 in presenza in aula Conversi si terranno i seminari dei due vincitori ex aequo del concorso PA 02/A2 (ex art.18, comma 4, L.240/2010) CODICE CONCORSO 2023PAE013

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Oratore: Alessandro Pilloni (Università di Messina)

Titolo: Status and prospects for Hadron spectroscopy

Abstract: Over the last two decades we have witnessed the discovery of a myriad of new and unexpected hadrons, challenging the old lore that hadrons were either mesons or baryons consisting of 2- or 3-quarks. The future holds more surprises for us, thanks to new-generation experiments, which will provide access to more exotic channels and data than ever before. Understanding the signals and determining the properties of exotic states requires experimentalists and theoreticians to work in tandem. We discuss the future directions for determining the excited spectrum of QCD, and eventually for understanding hadron interactions that are ubiquitous in particle physics.

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