ANTONIO AGRESTI, "Chasing regularization by noise of 3D Navier-Stokes equations", Dip. di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo, [chiamata]
Seminario di Dipartimento mercoledì 11 dicembre 2024 alle ore 11:00 on line su piattaforma Zoom
Speaker: Antonio Agresti - vincitore procedura selettiva di chiamata per n. 1 posto di Ricercatore a tempo determinato in tenure track (RTT) per il Settore concorsuale 01/A3 ora GSD 01/MATH-03, Settore scientico disciplinare MAT/06 ora MATH-03B, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo
Title: Chasing regularization by noise of 3D Navier-Stokes equations Abstract: Global well-posedness of 3D Navier-Stokes equations (NSEs) is one of the biggest open problems in modern mathematics. A long-standing conjecture in stochastic uid dynamics suggests that physically motivated noise can prevent (potential) blow-up of solutions of the 3D NSEs. This phenomenon is often referred to as `regularization by noise'. In this talk, I will review recent developments on the topic and discuss the solution to this problem in the case of the 3D NSEs with small hyperviscosity, for which the global well-posedness in the deterministic setting remains as open as for the 3D NSEs. An extension of our techniques to the case without hyperviscosity poses new challenges at the intersection of harmonic and stochastic analysis, which, if time permits, will be discussed at the end of the talk.
ID riunione: 861 3954 5995
Codice d’accesso: 11122024