Lilia Boeri, "Superconductivity in the 21st Century: Designing New Materials Ab-initio", Dip. di Fisica

Giovedì, 13 Febbraio, 2025 - 15:00


Seminari del vincitore e della vincitrice  ex aequo della procedura selettiva professore di I fascia - SSD PHYS-04/A (EX SSD FIS/03) CODICE CONCORSO 2024_POcomma4ter_001.

Oratore: Lilia Boeri. Aula: Rasetti edificio Marconi (CU013).

Titolo: Superconductivity in the 21st Century: Designing New Materials Ab-initio
Abstract: In this talk, I will present an overview of the recent contributions of the quantum material modelling group to the field of superconductor material discovery – a field that has seen remarkable acceleration in the past decade, bringing us closer to achieving the holy grail of room temperature superconductivity. [1] I will also highlight the main challenges lying ahead. [2,3]
Superconductivity - a state of macroscopic quantum coherence characterized by vanishing resistivity and perfect diamagnetism - has fascinated physicists for over a century, due to its intriguing quantum nature and revolutionary technological potential.
Still, one of the greatest challenges in the field remains identifying of high-Tc materials, which could drastically reduce the prohibitive cooling costs of commercial superconductors. Major developments in ab-initio methods for crystal structure prediction and superconductivity in the last twenty years have led to a paradigm shift, replacing the traditional trial-and-error experimental approach to material discovery with a synergistic strategy that integrates theory and experiment. A turning point was the discovery of high-temperature (203 K) superconductivity in highly compressed sulfur hydride by Mikhail Eremets’ group in 2014,[4] theoretically predicted by Duan et al. [5]

This success triggered an unprecedented acceleration in the search for novel superconductors.
Our group has played a substantial role in this revolution, pioneering the study of ternary hydrides,[6] proposing strategies to reduce the stabilization pressure of superhydrides through improved chemical precompression,[7] optimizing superconducting trends in B/C-based materials,[8] and developing methods for accelerated material discovery.[9]  Recently, we also took part in an international effort to disprove the fraudulent claim of room-temperature superconductivity by the Rochester group.[10]

[1] J. A. Flores-Livas, L. Boeri, A. Sanna, G. Profeta, R. Arita, M. Eremets, Physics Reports 856, 1-78 (2020).
[2] L. Boeri, et al., the 2021 Room-Temperature Superconductivity Roadmap, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 34, 183002 (2022)
[3] N. Dasenbrock-Gammon, et al., Nature 615, 244 (2023).
[4] A. P. Drozdov et al, cond-mat/1412.0460 and Nature 525, 73 (2015)
[5] D. Duan et al., Sci Rep. 4, 6968 (2014).
[6] C. Kokail, W. von der Linden, and L. Boeri, Phys. Rev. Mat. 1, 074803 (2017).
[7] S. di Cataldo, W. Von der Linden, L. Boeri, NPJ Comp. Mat., 8, 2 (2022); R. Lucrezi, S. di Cataldo, W. von der Linden, L. Boeri and Christoph Heil, NPJ Comp. Mat., 8, 119 (2022).
[8] S. di Cataldo, S. Qulaghasi, G. B. Bachelet, L. Boeri, Phys. Rev. B 105, 064516 (2022)
[9] C. Annweiler, S. di Cataldo, M.W.  Haverkort and L. Boeri, cond-mat/2410.01641.
[10] P. P. Ferreira, L. J. Conway, A. Cucciari, S. Di Cataldo, F. Giannessi, E. Kogler, L. T. F. Eleno, C. J. Pickard, C. Heil and L. Boeri, Nature Comm. 14, 5367 (2023).


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